

You see everyone at your gym coming in with protein shakes in bottles and you might have even wondered as to what is this all about. Well, protein is needed for your body and when you are looking for faster recovery of your muscles that undergo micro tears during workouts, this helps patch them up at a faster pace which allows you to push yourself further every day with the healed muscles. Now that this makes sense, you would want to get some protein powder for yourself to carry in a sipper bottle to your gym.

However, you would be glad to know that there are natural sources of protein available in various food items HIT YOUR FITNESS GOALS WITH THESE NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS OF PROTEIN which will give you the same impact as the protein shakes and combining this source of proteins with a workout on the open gym equipment will make you travel faster towards your fitness goals. If you are looking for help with it, Grand Slam Fitness is the right place for it.

We have all been drinking milk right from childhood. While Calcium is one of the main components of milk, it is also a rich source of protein. If you are looking to avoid fats, then you can even opt for skim milk or low-fat milk which will contain as low as 0.1% fat content in it and you get your share of proteins that you need. Mixing flavors in milk is not a good idea as the essence of it will get washed away and also the fact that many other preservatives also get added to it makes it inadvisable.

Yet another food item that many are fond off. Yes, each egg contains almost 6gm of protein which means you can have as many as you can to get a protein-rich diet. However, if you are looking have the yolk of it, then you might have to deal with the fat in it. Keep in mind that the fat in the egg is healthy fat and if you are looking cut down only the bad cholesterol part, then you are good to have the whole egg as it is.

Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese aka Paneer is a protein source for the vegans out there. Since vegans cannot consume many dairy products, this makes up for it. Even Tofu for that matter has the high amount of protein content in it. Looking out for vegans, in particular, you also have an option of consuming protein rich dal.

Well, you no longer have to hesitate to take any bite of it. Make sure that the skin is not consumed while you are at it and you are good to go. Chicken is the easiest source of protein available to us. It is rich in protein content and lows on fat and that makes it an ideal combination and let’s admit that it is irresistible, provided it is cooked well. While consuming chicken, make sure that you do not make gravy’s or deep fry’s out of it as that makes it fatty again. Boiled chicken is the best form of itself.

While working out with all the outdoor fitness equipment you got your hands on through Grand Slam Fitness, make sure you follow a protein-rich diet and you will see how you end up losing your fat content and getting in shape. However, it is not possible if you do not work out enough and simultaneously and hence it is advisable for you to get out and hit that open-air gym as consistently as you can to have results at your doorstep.

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