

Bone Health is one of the most important parts of our overall health at all the stages of life and usually, it is ignored because the symptoms of poor bone health are shown very late i.e, mostly when the bone loss has already reached the advanced level. Even a modicum of our attention to bone health can bring mesmerizing results.

Let us explore how to build strong bone health in various natural ways along with some easy exercises IMPORTANCE OF BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES.


1. Diet​Calcium â€‹is the most important mineral found in our bones. So the proper daily calcium intake is requisite for good bone health. Many of us abhor milk and milk products. But it is essential to take such calcium-rich food items. Along with the dairy products, fish, almonds, dried figs etc. are also some calcium-rich eatables.

Ample amount of Protein​intake aids in protecting bone fitness during aging and weight loss.

Additionally, vegetable-rich diet​helps in strengthening of our bones during our childhood and maintains its health in adulthood.

2. Exercise & Yoga​Weight-bearing Exercises​- Exercises which put force on the bones are helpful in improving the bone strength like Jumping, Brisk Walking, Repetitive Stair Climbing, Running, Jogging, Skiing, Aerobics etc.

  • Yoga​- According to the results of a research, it is stated that Yoga done for 12 minutes on a daily basis can increase the bone mineral density in the spine, hip bone, and femur i.e., thigh bone.
  • Sports- â€‹Games like Tennis, Basketball, athletics ameliorates the condition of our bones.

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